County Executive Steuart Pittman is hosting eight Budget Town Halls across the county – one in each Council district and one in Spanish – to provide residents (including business owners!) with the opportunity to share their thoughts on what they would like funded in the next county budget with county leaders.
On January 30th, the District 3 Budget Town Hall will be held at Chesapeake High School inside the auditorium. Councilman Nathan Volke will also be available to hear public comment on the upcoming county budget.
This is your opportunity to share your priorities for the next county budget with our county leaders. Residents will have an opportunity to provide public testimony, speaking directly to the County Executive and County Council about their budget request.
Please RSVP at aacounty.org/budget-town-halls to join us.
If you are in need of special accommodations or have any questions about the event, please contact us at [email protected] or 410-222-1821. TTY users, please call via Maryland Relay 7-1-1. All materials are available in an alternate format upon request.