Hancock’s Resolution, declared a NATIONAL TREASURE by a noted historian, is a 26.5 acre remnant of a 410 acre “Middling Plantation” (middle-class farm) dating to the 17th century. It has restored but unrenovated buildings dating to the late 18th c., heirloom dooryard and kitchen gardens, the original well and a family grave yard. It is located on Bodkin Creek (with close access to the Chesapeake Bay) only 18 miles from downtown Baltimore and 25 miles from Annapolis. Five generations of Hancock’s lived in the farmhouse, from when Stephen Jr. built it c.1785 (immediately after the Revolutionary War) to when “Mamie” Hancock and her brother “Harry” died in 1954 and 1962, respectively. The family changed essentially nothing in the buildings from when they were built, leaving them as true historic artifacts of that day and age. The authenticity of the structures, located on their original site, with acreage that can be brought back to historic farming practices, is what makes Hancock’s Resolution such a rare an important site to visit.