Meet Your Principal:

Q: First off, tell us how long you’ve served as principal at Chesapeake High School.
A: I have served, and I like to emphasize the word “serve,” as principal of Chesapeake for four years (two interrupted by the pandemic).
Q: What’s your favorite part of coming to work at Chesapeake each day?
A: Interacting with students, the staff, and the community (parents). I serve all those mentioned and believe interactions are critical if I am going to be an effective school leader.
Q: Since coming to CHS, what has been one of your most memorable moments?
A: We have had some great roller coaster rides in our student section. Seeing students enjoy their passions, such as theater, music, athletics, dance, robotics, etc makes the high school experience pretty awesome and unique. I believe that every interaction matters, and I have had some awesome experiences here. It is always about the people.
Q: What makes Chesapeake High School unique? What kind of experience do students get at Chesapeake that they won’t find elsewhere?
A: Chesapeake is truly a community school. Families are invested and care about the school and our community. Many of our parents and teachers were students at Chesapeake and you can feel that rich tradition and pride in the school and our community.
Q: What’s your favorite part of the school year, and why?
A: I certainly love the time from Thanksgiving through the New Year; however, I do not have a specific favorite time of the school year. That being said, graduation is very special to me particularly since I get to be the person to present a well-earned diploma to my students. Students work 13+ years to earn their diploma and one of the joys of working in a high school is that we participate in the culminating graduation experience. That is very special.
Q: What’s one interesting fact about yourself that people may not know?
A: I was administered last rites due to being struck by a drunk driver in January of 2005. That experience changed the trajectory of my life.
Q: When you’re not busy with school-related work, what kind of hobbies and activities do you take part in?
A: I have often said my life is my family and the community I serve. I believe I give as much time as possible to both; however, I do enjoy reading and writing and spending time outdoors, walking and hiking, or just sitting on a beach or mountaintop.
Q: If you could travel to any country, where would it be and why?
A: While there are other countries I am interested in visiting, I would like to continue seeing the wonders of our great nation. There are so many wonderful places to see in the United States from sea to shining sea. The Grand Canyon has been one such place for me. It is truly spectacular. I have a list of places we plan to go to including as many major league ballparks as possible.