REAL Wellness in Pasadena
It’s doubtful that anyone would ever claim to not care about their health. We value health probably most often when it is compromised. Coming down with the dreaded seasonal cold makes us all long to wake up “feeling better”. And many of us, in fact the CDC reports six in ten Americans, live with chronic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes and autoimmune disorders which can leave us feeling less than our best if not managed.
So what does it mean to “be healthy”?
The World Health Organization defines health as a state of “complete physical, mental and social well being” and not merely the absence of disease. Wow! Complete? That’s a high bar and this is where the idea of wellness comes in. “Complete” may be the goal but getting there is a journey with lots of highs and lows for most. The great news is if you are looking to improve your current state of wellness, there are many small steps you can take that will over time get you closer to that goal of complete wellness.

Typically we think of the physical aspect when talking about health. We might have concerns if our weight is optimal or if we are able to move our bodies the way we need or want to. For some, optimal movement would include climbing a set of stairs without being out of breath and for others it might mean completing a marathon. Health goals are highly personal. However, it isn’t only our physical health to be concerned about as we embark or continue on our wellness journey.
Our mental health affects our wellness spectrum on both an emotional and intellectual level, and taking steps to optimize it is critical. Having tools to manage stress and anxiety can help us manage our emotional well being along with activities that challenge us intellectually and can put us into a state of “flow”, which is defined as “a state of being fully present in an activity you enjoy with the result of feeling productive, creative and happy”.
Other dimensions which contribute to wellness are our social connections, environmental surroundings and spiritual life, which gives us a sense of meaning and purpose. So, “complete” wellness is a complex and dynamic state of being.
Here in Real Pasadena, let’s explore the countless resources we have for improving any and all components of wellness that will move us forward in our journey for optimal health. We can also delve into the many topics which surround healthy living, such as diet and nutrition, exercise and movement, mindfulness and stress management techniques, finding or expanding our social network, and living with purpose and meaning. Please share with me any topics of interest you might have. I look forward to journeying with you all!
Shonette Gable is a lifelong Pasadena resident. She is a registered yoga instructor 200 and a health and wellness coach certified through the Institute for Functional Medicine. She can be reached at [email protected].